October 11, 2004


This girl's in need of a vacation. Between Silver Blue being ill, Tink being ill, and PoloRandy working himself into basic exhaustion. I think it's about time for me to have some me time!

(And to think....Christmas decorating is to begin soon -- though they claim there will only be two trees this year -- the big 9 footer, and my smaller one)

How is everyone doing? How is life? Is there really life out there?

So much has been going on, I've been cleaning, I've been doing touch ups on the paint... it's kept me hopping!

Silver Blue did add additional crystals to the chandelier, however, and it's looking better. Once the final ones come in and he gets them on, however, I'll post yet another photograph and you can let me know what you think.

The family says hello (we have a relative we call PsychoBunny who is visiting), and the air is getting crisper.

Speaking of crispers, I wonder if there are any carrots in ours?

Hop at you later,
Much bunny love....

Posted by Roxette at October 11, 2004 09:35 AM

Just checking in, RB.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at October 31, 2004 02:55 AM
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