January 13, 2004

Get your questions IN!

Jennifer, over at Jennifer's History and Stuff has told me that you have until next monday night to email your questions for my interview to her.

Please, please, please! Email questions! Tell everyone! I really want to make a good showing. :-) I love you all, and have enjoyed reading the interviews with everyone so far (though there's not enough meniton of loving blue bunnies....)

I look forward to myriad questions that will make my paws tired answering!


Posted by Roxette at January 13, 2004 10:37 PM

Mm, I think the deadline has passed.

Posted by: Jeff at January 14, 2004 06:27 AM

Strange...she sent me the email YESTERDAY stating monday was the deadline. So...it's until NEXT monday.

Posted by: Roxette at January 14, 2004 04:43 PM

How about this: Which Democratic candidate for President will you endorse in the upcoming primaries and caucuses? Everyone respects you, lady, so you know you've got the pull to take a candidates support to the next level!

P.S. How about a plug for the ol' buggy while you're at it? You know, mention my name a few times in the interview? A think we can work out a deal for some carrots . . . ; )

Posted by: Punch Buggy at January 15, 2004 06:44 PM
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