November 17, 2003


The place is a shambles, but it's coming together.

Silver Blue has a good poem here. We could all take a lesson from it.

Tink's doing pretty well. It's the first day of something she calls "registration" so I'm sure her day will be hectic.

Silver Blue's dad is due back from Ohio this evening from his brother's funeral. I'm hopping along to keep them company.

I hear that Silver Blue also bought me my own Christmas Tree. I haven't seen it yet, but when I do, I'll be sure to post a photograph.

Somehow, also, Silver Blue ended up being my 1,000 visitor. Sounds to me like he spends a lot of his time reading blogs.

Charity update:

No new sales this prior week, so ASPCA total remains at $4.01.

(Side note to Susie: Please let me know how you like the gear)

Hop at you all later,

Posted by Roxette at November 17, 2003 08:44 AM
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