October 29, 2003

I Love You All

As you can tell, thanks to Lady Susie, I now have the Alliance Blogroll up and running. (Sheesh, my bunny eyes overlook things!)


Now, to give you an update:

I've been playing Nurse again today. Tink is not well.

I've done away with the carrot juice toddys. Those only seem to help us Rabbits get better.

RUM seems to be doing the trick for her, but how she can drink tea is beyond me. It's that Lipton's crap.

For me, it's Earl Grey or nothing.

A little likage for you... Silver Blue has a post that should have him kicked out of the blogsphere. I love that man, but there are times when my blue bunny heart has to question WHY?

He's going to be going to Choir tonight (from what I've heard, they're sounding better and better).

There's a funny story that he called and told me about Big Chris (the former pianist) IM'ing PoloRandy today and basically trying to play off the cantata that they're doing.

Just becuase you play piano, Chris, doens't mean that you're the be all and end all.

It was your choice to leave the church for another church.

It was your choice to not be completely honest with the people who took you in.

It was.... your choice.

Now, I've got to hop back in the kitchen and stir the chicken soup. Tink's just GOTTA get better...she's just GOTTA!

Posted by Roxette at October 29, 2003 04:58 PM

Yay! (to the blogroll). Tell Tink I hope she feels better soon...

Posted by: Susie at October 30, 2003 12:00 AM
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