September 17, 2003

Full House.

Well, the bears are finally here.

The two mink byches have settled down.

Forester Bear is here. You may remember him from my travel page:


There's also another bear here: Amsterdam. He's quiet, has on glasses and a pocket watch around his neck. I haven't figured out what to make of him yet. A doorstop, maybe.

Revog also sent me a bear (I'm overrun with them!!!) I've kicked him to the curb, as I said I would, but he was kinda cute. He may go on the shelf.

Well, we're having salad of some sort, and Tink and Silver Blue bought me carrots, so I'm hopping back downstairs to have something to eat.

Hop at you later!


Posted by Roxette at September 17, 2003 05:56 PM
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