September 08, 2003


Hop. Hop. Stop. Look Around. Hop, Hop, Hop. Look around.

Well, doesn't look like much damange was done with the winds that came through last night. (And no, I didn't indulge in baked beans or cabbage.)

I've missed everyone, but my cuteness was needed to solace a family as they said goodbye.

I'm back now, however, so watch ou! :-)


Posted by Roxette at September 8, 2003 08:35 AM

Okay, I ask discerning questions for your readership, find you a date for new years eve and my big question is this: when are you going to come visit cute adorable imminently funny MEEEEEEEEEEEE??????

Posted by: revog at September 8, 2003 12:37 PM

You can come with me and Man of the Cloth this wekeend to Hershey and visit Revog. I'll even banish Pink Fluff for you....

Posted by: Tink at September 8, 2003 04:20 PM
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